Sunday, February 18, 2018

“It's Just This Little Chromium Switch Here"

I have my theories (totally unscientific) with the causes of gender dysphoria and I think that it all happens in the womb.

I think that there are serval vectors that might cause GD, the first is that the fetus get washed with male hormone around the 8th to the 10th week the fetus which starts out in life as female gets washed with testosterone that creates the male genital. Then around the 20th week the fetus gets a second wash to masculinize the brain, if that doesn’t happen then the brain continues to develop as female. I also believe that there can be various degrees of transformation of the brain, that the brain can be masculinized to various degrees.

Another possibility can be that there are no androgen receptors for the DHT (testosterone is changed into DHT by enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, lacking the enzyme the fetus will continue developing as a female) the BSTc area of the brain, the area that is believed to determine gender.

Though out the body there are DHT receptors, a classic case where there are no receptors where there are supposed to be receptors is male pattern baldness which is cause by a genetic mutation that did away with the DHT receptors on hair follicles. So why can’t a similar type of mutation be involved with gender dysphoria? Maybe there is a lack androgen receptor (AR) in the brain’s BSTc area?

So maybe there is no switch to turn on the masculinizing the brain.

1 comment:

  1. That's me! Male pattern baldness accompanied by female pattern boldness. :-)
