Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Are You A Younger Sibling?

Does having an older brother make you gay?

There seems to be research that shows more younger brothers are gay than old brothers being gay and the researchers are beginning to believe that something is going on in the mother’s uterus after the birth of an older brother.
Having older brothers increases men's likelihood of being gay
By Jen Christensen
December 12, 2017

(CNN)If you're a guy with an older brother, there's an increased chance you're gay.

Scientists have noticed this pattern in previous research, but now they think they have a biological explanation as to why, and it starts long before birth. The results were published in the journal PNAS on Monday.

The researchers say that if their findings can be replicated, we may know at least one of the biological reasons some men are gay.

Many factors may determine someone's sexual orientation, but in this case, researchers noticed a pattern that may be linked to something that happens in the womb. The phenomenon is related to a protein linked to the Y chromosome (which women do not have) that is important to male brain development.

Researchers think it's possible that when a woman gets pregnant with her first boy, this Y-linked protein gets into her bloodstream. The mother's body recognizes the protein as a foreign substance, and her immune system responds, creating antibodies. If enough of these antibodies build up in the woman's body and she gets pregnant with another a boy, they can cross the placental barrier and enter the brain of the second male fetus.
This is not a new theory; back in 2012 Scientific America had an article about this,
Is Homosexuality a Choice?
By Marcia Malory
October 19, 2012

We know, from many twin and adoption studies, that sexual preference has a genetic component.

A gay man is more likely than a straight man to have a (biological) gay brother; lesbians are more likely than straight women to have gay sisters.
The article also points out something I have been saying,
Gay women and gay men are more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous than straight women and straight men, according to a number of different studies. Some researchers have suggested that this difference in handedness – preference for one hand over the other can be observed in fetuses - is related to differences in the corpus callosum.
So all this raises serval questions.

First is being LGBT a Disorder of Sexual Development (DSD)? If it is, is a form of intersex?

If being LGBT is the result of the prenatal environment than this whole thing with “religious freedom” becomes an ethical question… is damning a person because of the way they were born “moral?”

I have two questions for all of my readers...

  1. If you are LGBT do you an older brother?
  2. If you are LGBT are you left handed?

Just leave a comment #1 yes or no, #2 yes or no.

For me,my answer would be #1 Yes, #2 Yes


  1. I had a younger brother who was not gay.
    I am fairly ambidextrous, but I don't know if I was born that way or if it is acquired from being a drummer for 50+ years.

  2. #1 yes
    #2 no
