Thursday, March 31, 2016

Today Is Transgender Day Of Visibility

…And it is also LGBT Awareness Week. I have a problem with days like these and the National Coming Out Day. The first commandment in coming out or being visible should be “Be Safe!”

And that sometimes is overlooked, somebody may do something rash and lose their job, or lose their housing, or they maybe thrown out of their family and end upon the street if their family is non-supportive of them.

So if you are planning to do something today, think first.

For me, I can't be any more visible which sometimes is a curse. You don't really want to hear from the deli worker "Oh I saw you on television!" or being joked about by other trans people that "Everyone knows Diana" and you just smile and laugh it off. For me I just want to help other trans people make a better life for themselves.

I just want to be as a student in a class where I guest lecture said...
When I walked into class on Wednesday I remember seeing the back of a tall woman standing in front of our class, thinking she was our guest, and proceeded to sit down and open up my computer. About 5 minutes later the guest came forward and she said that we were going to start the lecture. Once the guest lecturer starting talking and I began to look at her a bit more in detail, I realized something very interesting - our guest speaker was a transexual [sic].

 Now being an educated grad student I was fully aware of was exactly a transsexual was and that the transexual community is growing every day, however, as far as I know, this was my first time meeting one. The weird thing however was that it didn’t seem like I was meeting a transexual, but rather just another women - a guest lecturer. Once you get past the deep voice and the 6’2” figure, there was nothing weird or different here, just another woman. 
..."just another woman."

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