Wednesday, December 30, 2015

We Have A Unique Perspective

When it comes to male privilege trans people have a matchless perception of it.
These 25 Examples of Male Privilege from a Trans Guy’s Perspective Really Prove the Point
Everyday Feminism
By James St. James
May 30, 2015

Quite a bit changed for me over the first couple of years I started testosterone.

My health and mental wellbeing improved, my happy button grew over an inch in length, my natural musk became so fragrant that now I gross even myself out if I don’t shower pretty much every day (no deodorant can contain this beast).
But just as fascinating as it was to witness my mental and physical changes, it was just as equal of an adjustment to comprehend how other people were responding to me.

In short, I was being treated better by everyday America because people were reading me as a young, white, straight (?!) male. And I recognized many new privileges that came my way because of it.
Yes, plenty of (passing) trans guys do feel the effects of male privilege. Especially us white ones. I wouldn’t argue against that for a second.

But we can’t be wasting time griping over trans guys because they happen to gain male privilege for transition reasons that have nothing to do with it. What we need to be focusing on is—you know—male privilege, which is the actual problem. The patriarchy is being unfair, so it’s the patriarchy we need to attack.
For us trans women we lose our “male privilege” and it can be a shock.

Some of the things that he lists are,
1. I’m Suddenly Funny
Now that I’m a short white guy, people automatically peg me for a comedian and laugh at the bulk of my mouth zings.

But nothing has changed. I’ve even recycled some of my old material that people didn’t find funny before just to make sure

2. Yet I’m Still Taken (More) Seriously
I’m still amazed at the amount of people that now immediately shut their mouths the second I open mine.

Believe me, my ideas haven’t improved at all.

I’ve even tried to derail serious conversations with ludicrous stuff just to see what would happen – and I’d still be regarded highly.
I am friends with a trans man and he said overnight he became an expert on cars.

He goes on to list,
3. I Rarely Get Interrupted4. I Get Paid More.
9. I’m Very Likely to Arrive Home Safely After Walking Alone at Night
But then if you are black trans man now all of sudden you are getting stopped by the police. A friend told me when “she” walking in her neighborhood she was never stopped by the police and once he transitioned he has been stopped many times.
10. I Don’t Have to Worry About Keeping an Eye on My Drink at Parties and Social Gatherings.
12. I Don’t Have Strangers Giving Uninvited Opinions About My Body as I Pass By.
22. I’m Allowed to Take Up Space – And Lots of It
If I feel like spreading out on public transportation, nobody – regardless of gender – tells me to move over anymore.
They just act like I have full right to be obnoxious.
(Please note that I’ve only ever done this for experimental purposes.)
And we get squeezed, I noticed that the first time I went to the movies with a guy on both sides of me, the good ol’ “man spread”

I know one trans woman (if you didn’t know she is trans you would never know) who is a project manager who before she transitioned when “he” something in a meeting everyone would be nodding their heads in agreement, now when she says something it gets ignored until a man says the same thing. One time at a meeting with customers she was even asked to get the coffee.

So trans people have an unique view on “male privilege.”

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