Saturday, February 01, 2014

Saturday Six #512

Patrick’s Place Saturday Six #512

1. E is for EMAIL: When is the last time your personal email inbox was completely empty?
I don’t understand the question, do you mean that you read all the emails in the inbox or you don’t have any emails at all in your inbox?
If you meant any unread emails than the is just about never, I read them all (except for spam) and if you mean to include read emails than the answer is never because I save all my emails. I have save all my emails, I have then going back 10 years.

2. E is for EAR: Do you consider your hearing to be better than average, average or worse than average?
No, definitely not better. My hearing has deteriorated as I gotten old; it is getting much harder to understand conversations in a crowd. I also have tinnitus in both ears which I think is from shooting of fireworks, guns, and loud music when I was young.

3. E is for EARLY: Are you generally early to appointments, late or right on time?
I try to be on time for an appointment, for anything else I’m late.

4. E is for EDUCATION: Which grade of school (or year of college) did you find most difficult and why?
Kindergarten through my undergraduate degree, I hated school and in college I partied way too much.

5. E is for EGG: How do you normally eat your eggs?
Scrambled or an omelet. I added omelets because most of my omelets end up as scrambled eggs.

6. E is for ESSAY: What was the topic of the longest blog post you’ve written?
I have no idea, I have been blogging for over a decade and some of my early entries were long.

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