Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am away today with my brother's family, but for many people Thanksgiving is an especially lonely time, they might not have seen their family since they came out to them. Their families and children have disowned them and for them Thanksgiving is a time when they feel their loss the greatest. Thanksgiving is a time where we reflect on all that we have been thankful for over the year but for those of us it could also be a time a great stress while we see others around us celebrating during the holiday seasons. So let us open our hearts and doors to them and invite them to the table.

On the lighter side... what would Thanksgiving be without "Alice's Restaurant"

One of my favorite sitcom skits was from WKRP in Cincinnati, "Turkey Drop"

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I watched Planes, Trains & Automobiles last night. I love the WKRP bit.
