Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Fill-ins

Janet Friday Fill-ins

1. I don't know what it's like to _sing_; I only know _I’m tone deaf and can’t carry a tune _.
2. _Going where other refuse to tread_ would be a great title for my life.
3. A couple of weeks from now _it will be my birthday_.
4. _I can do_ any number of things.
5. I drove from _home_ to _the cottage earlier in the week_ and _now I’m driving home_. (This is last night’s sunset at the cottage. Click on photo for a larger image.)

6. _Because of last Sunday boat and all week_ I was happy. (See Staycation)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _reading_, tomorrow my plans include _going to the coffee shop and listening to some folk music_ and Sunday, I want to _find something to do_!

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