Friday, August 05, 2011

Friday Fill-ins

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins

1. How can I _get motivated to exercise every morning_.

2. _Here in Connecticut, possession of_ weed _is now a misdemeanor_.

3. My hair _is just a memory_.

4. _I am debating about going to my high school_ reunion _if I go, I’ll be a shoe in for “Most Changed”_.

5. My favorite summer fruits _are cherries, blueberries and peaches_.

6. _Have you ever heard a noise in the house and wondered_...what was that?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _reading_, tomorrow my plans include _going to the coffee shop to listen to some folk music_ and Sunday, I want to _visit friends up in Springfield_!


  1. Your answers made me smile! Happy Friday.


  2. #4 is a hoot! You're right, though!

  3. Summer peaches are great! (Found your blog from Friday Fill-Ins)

  4. Yay for #2 and #4 really made me laugh...I bet so!
