Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #200

Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #200


1. Why does _everyone have turkey on Thanksgiving_.

2. _On Thanksgiving, how does a turkey_ see the world.

3. Thank you for _helping out in the kitchen_.

4. _Thanksgiving_ is my favorite holiday because _of the food_.

5. I am SO _hurting, I just twisted my ankle_. I was just coming down the stairs when I slipped and twisted it. I got my foot elevated, I put a compression bandage on it and icing it.

6. _Pain_ make up our minds to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _well, everything I was going to do this weekend just went out the window_, tomorrow my plans include _putting my foot up_ and Sunday, I want to _to get better_!


  1. I hope your ankle gets better soon Diana. I'll be sending out some good thoughts while I do the housework tomorrow. :D

  2. Ouch! Feel better. A restful weekend might be just what you need.


  3. Oh no! I hope your ankle is much better fast!!! What a bummer that you had to change your whole weekend's plans!
