Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Conference

I was at a Human Rights conference at UConn yesterday and today, I learned a lot and took copious notes. The last panel discussion that I went to was titled “Neither Separate Nor Equal: Human Rights and the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Individuals in the United States”

My question for you, did the panel cover:

a. no tans-topics
b. a token amount of trans-topics
c. was a quarter trans-topics
d. all trans-topics

If you answered “b”, you were correct. There was just a token amount trans-issues that was covered. However, the discussion was very good, one panelist talked about how the image of the rich gay is hurting the passage of Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). The opposition is saying there is no need for employment protection their earning show that they are not being discriminated. The speaker pointed out that the LG population earns less than the general population if you break the data down to like individuals. If you compare single heterosexual males to gay males, the gay males earn less or of you compare married heterosexual couples with a child with a homosexual couples with a child, the heterosexual couple earns.

I just got home and I am tired! Sitting around all day takes a lot out of you.

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