Friday, October 17, 2008

Doubts raised on US 'plumber Joe'

Doubt has been cast over the story of "Joe the plumber", the man who unexpectedly became the star of this week's US presidential debate.
Joe Wurzelbacher, of Ohio, was thrown into the spotlight after he was used by John McCain as an example of who might suffer under Barack Obama's tax plans.

But it now emerges he is not a licensed plumber and owes $1,200 in back taxes.
He was held by Mr McCain in the debate as an example of an every day hard-working American who would be penalized by Mr Obama's tax policy.

However, a bit of media digging has uncovered that Mr Wurzelbacher's first name is actually Samuel and he does not have a plumber's licence, although the company he works for does.
Mr Wurzelbacher acknowledged he did not have a plumber's licence and admitted in one interview he was "not even close" to earning $250,000.
(BBC News)
Hmmm.... It seems the McCain campaign didn't do there homework first before they made "Joe the Plumber" a national figure for McCain policy


  1. That rates an o.m.g with an eye roll.

  2. I think this election has become the post office game. What really happened and by the time it reaches the public and then goes through a chain of emails... if I'm correct and can find my bookmarked links, etc. it was Sen. Obama who stopped and chose this gentleman from off the street in one of his drive through publicity stints -- not a campaign stunt from Sen. McCain. And while on the subject of portraying individuals against reality... I am constantly seeing all the things 'wrong' that the McCain crew is doing, has done and supposedly will do. What about the Obama's. It seems to be okay that a snack for Michelle is worth $400 -- which when this stunt is pulled in the future as Mrs. President, it's not HER money she's snacking with, it's MINE!

    Fair is fair - so let's see both sides of the candidates and not just one

    Here's the link for her hotel receipt for just a little something during the day. Nice, I usually have a protein bar and some water but hey, I'm just an 'average Joe'.

  3. Well, it is my blog and I am a Obama supporter, so what do you expect? I am not the press where I have to have to give equal coverage.

    Blogs are free and easy to use, so start your own.

    And I do welcome your comments, thank you.

  4. Hey - "Obama supporter":

    Obama INCRIMINATED HIMSELF with his answer to a simple question. Joe the Plumber just happened to be the guy who was smart enough to ask it.

    Why is the media raking JOE WURZELBACHER over the coals when they should be investigating Obama's associations with Kenyan communists and unrepentant terrorists who were bombing buildings when Obama was 8 - and pushing radical marxist revolutionary ideology in Chicago public schools when Obama was 40!?? Ayers himself claimed he should have bombed MORE (on 9/11/01!!) WHILE OBAMA WAS WORKING WITH HIM on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge program. DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS?? DO YOU NOT CARE???

    What gives him the right to spread MY wealth around to people who never earned it? That's marxist socialism, in case you don't know. We don't do that crap here in the U.S. If that's what you want, why not move to France or Sweden?
