Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Little Excitement In The Ol’ Town Yesterday

There was a lot of excitement in town yesterday, I was visiting my aunt at the nursing home and we were sitting out on the front patio when police cars with their lights flashing went flying by. When I left to go to the grocery store, I drove by a bank and the police were out in front and I thought, “Ah, it must have been robbed.” On my way home all the TV crews from the local stations were out in front of the bank and I thought that with the news crew being there confirmed my thoughts. However, in another part of town a police car, a SWAT armored car and a small community bus labeled “Crises Intervention Team” went flying by going in an other direction. A little farther down the road I saw them again parked on the side of the road.

The news that night said that there were two 911 calls about home invasions and that was followed by the bank robbery. The police feel that the home invasion calls were a diversion for the bank robbery.