Thursday, June 26, 2008

Friday Fill In #78

Janet’s Friday Fill In #78

1. Birthdays are _just another day for me_.
2. _Fall_ is my favorite season because _I love change in seasons with just a hint of frost in the air_.
3. I feel my best when _when I am with friends_.
4. _Lobster_ is my favorite food! (Those who follow my blog will not be surprise with my answer)
5. First impressions are _very important_.
6. The best piece of advice I ever received was _to be yourself_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to _the reception at college for the new students_, tomorrow my plans include _doing nothing (WOW imagine that!)_ and Sunday, I want to _reading and doing wash_!


  1. I agree with "be yourself"; sometimes that's been harder to do than others, but there's nothing more fulfilling than finding your path and walking it regardless of other's opinions.

    I like reading, too!

  2. No hiking? Have a good weekend, maybe with some lobster? :-)

  3. We got the same advice. :-)
