Thursday, October 11, 2007

Create A Connection

Getting to Know You Day: Aromatherapy

1) Throughout childhood and even adulthood certain people always smelled different to us, what scents remind you of a loved one?
I remember my grandmother always smelled of lilac.

2) Are there any scents that remind you of a special place or time in your life?
Well some of the obvious smells; pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving; evergreen, Christmas; the smell of fireworks on the Forth of July and the smell of wood smoke of a warm and cozy home.

3) What are some comforting smells for you?

The smell of apple pie.

4) Do you use any form of aromatherapy in your home or throughout the day?

No, not really. Maybe when I am having a party I might use some potpourri.

5) What scents evoke the most powerful memories for you?

I think the smell of freshly made bread, it reminds my of my grandmother’s house.

6) What are some of your favorite scents/smells?

See my answers to question #2. All of them bring back fond memories.

7) If you had to describe yourself as a scent (or combination), what scents would you be?
I have no idea; I hope that it is something sweet or flowery.


  1. Thanks for playing along Diana. I love the smell of apple pie.

  2. Fireworks-- I totally forgot about that. What a great smell.
