Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday Fiver

Friday Fiver: Here Fishy Fishy

1. Have you ever gone fishing?
Yes, I use to be an avid fisherman. But then I had a change of heart, even though I caught and released the fish, I just couldn’t bring myself to continue torturing the fish just for sport.
I am not against fishing, but it is not "my cup of tea" now.

2. Do you have an aquarium?
No, maybe someday. But it seems like a lot of work and it would be a pain in the neck if I go on a long trip.

3. Do you eat fish?
Yes, my favorite is Stuffed Sole with a crab (or lobster) meat stuffing.

4. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
No. I saw part of it with my niece’s and nephew’s kids and I think I would like it.

5. What do you think of Sushi?
YUCK! Raw fish! :-(

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