Saturday, June 23, 2007

Patrick’s Weekender

Patrick’s Weekender: Saturday Six - Episode 167

1. How far from your home is your nearest fire station?
The volunteer fire department is two miles away.

2. Have you ever made a call to your local 911 service? If so, how long did it take for emergency personnel -- whatever type you needed -- to arrive?
Yes, it took about five minutes for the ambulance to arrive. But a police officer a arrived a minute or two before the ambulance and he had an AED.

3. If you had to choose one of the following, which emergency employee would you want to be: police officer, dispatcher, paramedic, firefighter; and why would you choose that one?
A dispatcher, you do not have to get involved with people first hand. You can be sitting safely in an office.

4. Take the quiz: What firefighter tool are you?

What Firefighter tool are you

Boston Rake
you like hooking stuff, moving stuff around for further overhall and extinguishing
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by

5. When you were little, did you ever dream of being a first responder?
Of course, I dreamed of being a doctor, a firefighter and a police officer.

6. What is your favorite first-responder-related movie or television show; and how realistically do you think it depicts what they really go through?
Do you remember “Emergency” from the seventies (But then I am prejudice because we made the radios for the show.), it wasn’t very realistic and the acting wasn’t that great.


  1. You made the radio for Emergency! I loved that show!!! A coworker and I trade sighs over it on a semi-regular basis....

  2. I worked for the medical electronic manufacturer that made EKG radio sets and I traveled all over the east installing them. Some of the cities are Benton Harbor Michigan, Detroit Michigan, Xenia Ohio, Rochester New York and Nassau County New York. After two years working there the company went belly up and I was unemployed.
    The radios used on the show were dummies, just the boxes with electronics in them.
