Sunday, January 07, 2007

By the Way Sunday

~Tax Time Again~

By the way...

How prepared (forms, receipts, etc.) are you right now to do your taxes?
Not at all, after all you do have until April 15th

Do you file your taxes yourself or do you go to an accountant/tax preparer?
I have one of those national chains do it for me.

If you file your taxes yourself, do you e-file or put pencil to paper?
See the answer to #2

Do you file as soon as possible or do you wait until the last possible minute?
See the answer to #1 or “What me worry?”

Do you think you'll get a refund or will you be paying this year?
My theme song is “I owe, I owe, its off to jail I go...”

Do you have any good tax-saving tips that you'd like to share?
Cheat! (Just kidding.... if you are from the IRS reading this.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diana!
    Glad to hear you had a good Christmas! Enjoyed reading your BTWS answers. :)
