Friday, December 29, 2006


Q1 - Multitasking: Eighty percent of us claim to be multitaskers, and nearly two-thirds of all multitaskers consider themselves good at it. How about you...are you a multitasker? If so, do you multitask by choice or design?
No, I do not do multitasks that well, the current task usually gets all the attention and the others fall by the wayside. At work it is all multitask and it makes it very hard to complete a task without mistakes, you are always putting out “Fire drills”. Went you come back to a task you have lost your train of thought and it makes it hard to stick to a unified thought process and therefore the work become disjointed.

Q2 - Federal Closings: Yesterday, President George W. Bush declared that Tuesday, January 2, 2007, will be a National Day of Mourning here in the U.S. after the death earlier this week of former U.S. President Gerald Ford. In doing so, President Bush ordered all government agencies and departments to close on Tuesday, except for offices essential to national security. In your opinion, do you think federal employees should have the day off from work because of the death of President Ford?
No they should not shutdown the federal government. It is a waste of time and taxpayer’s money.

Q3 - Who's on First: For the second time in the last 10 days, a powerful storm has dumped major amounts of snow on Denver, Colorado, and Denver International Airport (DIA). Nearly 5,000 airline passengers were stranded at DIA during a 45-hour closure last week, and when the airport reopened, many of those stranded passengers found themselves waiting even longer to board planes because new passengers arriving at the airport were given preference for flights. Do you think grounded passengers should be first in line for the first available flights, or is it okay for new passengers booked on new flights to have preference over grounded passengers?
The seats should be giving to those whose flights were delayed or cancelled first.

Q4 - Calendar: Do you have a 2007 calendar? If so, is it the kind with pictures on one side and the previous month on the backside, or is it a desk calendar, sans pictures? If a picture calendar, what is its theme? If you do not have a 2007 calendar, do you plan to buy one or are you not the calendar type?
Yes I do have a 2007 calendar with pictures of New England lighthouses.

1 comment:

  1. You could make your own calendar with all the lovely NE photos that you take!
