Friday, September 29, 2006

Five on Friday

Chicken Soup for the Friday Fiver's Soul

1. How often do you usually get sick each year?
So far since the beginning of the year I have taken four sick days.

2. Which is worse to catch: a cold or the flu?
The flu! A cold is not even a close second.

3. Do you plan to get a flu shot? Why or why not?
Yes, see number 2’s answer

4. What are your favorite home remedies for cold and flu symptoms?
For a cold get plenty of rest, drink a lot of fluids that are high in Vitamin C (Cranberry juice, apple cider, lemonade, etc.) and for the flu take Advil to bring down the fever.

5. When you're sick do you take "sick days" or do you force yourself to continue working?
I have a bit of the martyr syndrome in me, so when I take off from work you know I am SICK!

What are all these questions about being sick?

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